Well let's see how well I can keep up blogging and journaling this month. I decided to take up this challenge:
So far I have a picture for each day and most of my journaling but I haven'e made my book yet. Started but not there.
So here's a snippet of July 1st:
I decided I needed a break from regular household duties and declared it "me" week. With the Document 31 challenge I decided to declare it "me" month. Unfortunately some home duties can't be avoided but I will be spending more time chillin' just for me. So I'm moseying along at my pace. So today I'm poking about the house, got some extra rest and cleaned off my art desk. The picture of the day is Shadow one of my fur babies. She's laying next to my desk chair and just luxuriated in a round of pets from mom. Here's to a luxuriating month of "me".