Okay. Three months and no posts is pitiful. My mojo ran away with my muse. Partly because I had a major asthmatic episode, something that hasn't happened in some time. I forgot how much time it takes to recover and how much my energy gets zapped. I have decided that 1. I need to publish on my blog more frequently 2. I need to save $$ for a blog makeover. One of the great artist's who can do the design so much better than me. 3. I need to develop a habit of scanning and resizing everytime I create something instead of telling myself I'll get to it because I never do. I am greatly enjoying being a Stampin Up demo. My little monthly club is great inspiration. The ladies love the projects and I enjoy creating them for them. Plus it's like a breath of fresh air because I've moved out of my "oriental" bubble. I t hink I got tunnel vision for awhile because I was immersed in one basic style of creating. Now it's fun to take an oriental card and try duplicating it in Stampin Up and vice versa. My fantastic news is I was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Just Cards Magazine, yippee! The surprise was it wasn't the card they queried me on. Our dear list mom Annette on OSA sent in the birthday card I had sent her a couple of years ago. It uses a retired Stampin Up stamp and Commotion stamp. Anyway I can't find my original scan since it's been so long so this copy is from the magazine, sorry if it's fuzzy. You can find the card on page 59.