Here is our newest member of the family, Reilly. The top picture is just after his first grooming and the bottom while he was still scruffy and in foster care, both are cute. We adopted him a couple of months ago and hopefully he's on the road to full recovery. He is about 2 years old and we will probably never know why someone gave him up. We do know he came complete with several different types of worm infestations including heartworms. If you have a dog or even a cat don't ever let them go off their heart worm medicine. Reilly had a really hard time with the treatments given at the vets. They give deep injections of a form of arsenic and who knows what else to kill the adult heartworms, then you have to keep them really quiet for quite awhile. Unfortunately for Reilly his little body tried forcing the dead heartworms out instead of absorbing them, so he formed embollisms in his lungs and spent almost 3 weeks at the vets between his treatment and his recovery time. He's on the mend and goes back in a couple of weeks to get a final check-up from the doc. We are ever so thankful that Second Chance, where we adopted Reilly, paid for his treatments. In the meantime he's become momma's baby boy. I have my own furry escort. Reilly is happiest when I'm in the house and nearby. It took us 5 weeks to move his crate from our bedroom to just outside our bedroom door. Both hubby and I are just in love with the little darling. I'm getting outside regularly now for long walks as I wouldn't go by myself. Reilly is a terrific walking companion. If you have the option, rescue a pet and make sure they are spayed or neutered. There are so many animals that need good loving homes. Be sure to support rescue organizations like Bernie Berlin's A Place to Bark. Bernie does such amazing work rescuing dogs and cats and finding them loving homes. God gave us beautiful animals to love and care for. We are very thankful for Reilly and our two cats Midnight and Shadow, they fill our lives with furry love.