"Sometimes life happens while making other plans." Or in my case life's twists and turns are directed by studying God's Word and listening to the Spirit. I usually quietly share my faith. No blaring bells, whistles and buzzers, tons of scripture verses or other spiritual language. Just a quiet sharing of life. But I have been searching this year for service projects. I am greatly enjoying setting up events for From Our Hearts
and wouldn't mind a few other service type projects. So after much prayer and consideration, I'm talking with hubby and he says make what you love to do a complete ministry. View any art I do as a ministry and he's right. I have been blessed with the gift of encouragement. My greatest joy is bringing a smile to someone's day to brighten their life a bit. So I'm refocusing, redirecting and reviewing my art in light of this new direction. All the resources God has blessed me with should be used to bless others. He gave me the gifts and talents and they should be used for His Glory. So the next time you receive a card from me or see a project posted here, it will have been prayed over during it's construction. My prayer is that my gift will touch your life in some small way to brighten up your day. One small kindness can make a difference.