Will make a valiant attempt to post more regularly, but it's been a week already. What have I been up to? Well with my list of things to do growing longer with class designs, baby showers & wedding stuff, my studio as it was laid out was driving me crazy. It wasn't functioning well. My initial goal was to purge as much as possible & get my 2 rooms down to 1 room & actually have a guest space. 100 days to plan my daughter's wedding kind of put the clean out on the back burner for now.
So I spent the past 3-4 days trying to make my work space as functional as possible under the current circumstances. I was trying to utilize what I already own and I was still able to purge a little bit in the process. I am currently celebrating every square inch of space I free up & declutter. So it's not ideal but it will work for the next few months of intense project deadlines. And sorry, no before pictures.

I replaced my 6 ft table with a 5 ft table. Now I don't have to play suck in the tummy or don't stub the toes trying to move around. Where the sewing machine sits against the back against the wall, were 2 cabinets I successfully got rid of. They were in the worst shape with the backs falling off & wobble issues. I was able to move most of my punches in from the other room & place on top of the cubby under the window. If you notice, they sit in serving trays, works perfectly. That's my second Big Shot on top. I have 2 for classes.

Across from my work table is my standing work station, I put the left section together earlier this year & added the right section a couple months ago. I successfully got it organized enough to bring in my Cricut from the other room, since I will be using it more for the upcoming project deadlines. My tools are lined up from the left side, Karl paper cutter, Score-it board, Big Shot, bit of work space & Cricut. The very far left corner is my scrap buckets sorted by color in file folders. I can grab pieces while cutting & designing without cutting new sheets of paper. May have to purge these some more, the folder you see on top far back corner is the patterned paper one & it's rather stuffed. Underneath that folder is the white & cream scraps. The basket behind the cutter is for scraps too small to use to put in the recycle bin rather than my regular trash.
There is still a lot to reorganize but I can create more comfortably now while working on my massive To Do list.
Off to get started on more projects.
Enjoy Your Weekend!