This is the beginnings of my new art room after my oldest son moved out nearly a year ago. You will see as the photos progress that hubby is not a patient man and most of my stuff got shoved in the room. Although you will see piles all over the house awaiting sorting. This room is 11 x11, it is the smallest bedroom in the house. It received a fresh coat of paint and then I started to add shelving about 8 months ago, one payday at a time.

Picture one shows the fresh paint and the first set of shelves by the closet door.

Remember the paper organizer? Here it is in the garage half painted. A lot of work but it's looking a whole lot better.

Here is the entrance to the room today. My big desk has been moved in, along with a whole lot of art supplies that need sorting. There are now 3 big steel shelving units, a taller skinny shelving unit, 2 smaller bookcases, my triple set of black iris drawers, my rolling trolley and a couple of other assorted pieces. All overflowing. The sorting has begun in earnest.

This is the view as you turn right upon entering. The big shelving unit is nearly organized. The middle 2 shelves need a bit of clean-up from moving everything around for about the 3rd time but house the supplies and materials for the Cards for the Troops events I host. It was essential to create a spot just for these supplies.