This is the back of the entrance door. I placed least used tools and items here. The door is rarely closed. Usually up against the wall behind the door is where I tuck the display board for the Cards for Troops events.

Here is the very narrow space in front of the desk. 2 of the iris drawer units sit here. You can see the one in front of the desk and the edge of the one by the door. My trolley cart is also sitting there. It will move closer to my desk as I get more organized. It houses most reached for items.

This is the wall opposite the desk next to the entry door. The cart you see will be leaving the room and most likely end up on craigs list for sale. There is a second one in the garage. This is the space where the paper organizer will go. Everything has been measured and remeasured to make sure it will fit.

This is the floor and corner by the closet across from the desk. There is a book shelf hiding behind all this stuff under the window with art books and magazines on it. The 3rd metal shelving unit here houses most of my 20+ year collection of rubber stamps. The unmounteds and my Stampin' Up stamps are in other units outside of this room. All the junk on the floor is awaiting shorting and either a new location or out the door for good.

This is the junk on the floor in front of the rolling cart that's leaving. The cart and this stuff is more items that need sorted and either given a new home or it's out the door.
More pictures in a day or two. This has been a lot of work so far. But I am seeing great progress to making this a room to hide out and create in.