This is the current view of the desk piled high with stuff that needs a home. I couldn't resist the fluffy ribbon board from a craft vendor. The blue wall unit I got on clearance at the BX for $10 and houses some of my favorite oriental stamps. The small 2ft wide bookcase is perfect for often reached for items. It is just so much fun to live in semi organized, completely disarrayed chaos. LOL!

This is the shelving unit you saw in the first post. It was flipped to the opposite wall from it's original position. The items on the third shelf down will be moved to make space for more often reached for items. One of the iris drawer units sits behind my chair and a stack of hat boxes that hold the majority of my ribbons.

Here is how I utilized the closet. I already owned all these drawers and figured this was the best new location for them and best use of the closet space.

Here you can see that I have sorted all the drawers and labeled them and there are 12 empty ones now awaiting new supplies. All 3 iris drawer units have been sorted and labeled too and 2 of those drawers are empty also. I labeled a lot of things previously but as interests change it was necessary to re-evaluate and resort some items. I have one big box of unloved supplies ready for a new home and a thrift shop bag started so far. Slow and steady.