Saturday's event was another huge success. About 227 cards were made (some are still being processed) and we were able to get 620 cards total matched to envelopes and placed in clear sleeves into two priority boxes ready to mail. It is not unusual for me to have several card kits out being made by participants, donors who make and drop cards off they designed and I even had a few kits from my last event that didn't fit in the 2 boxes sent last month. Busy? You bet! But it's a labor of love. That makes the total cards sent so far this year to 1761! In about 8 months last year the events and individual card donations produced 1749 cards. We have already exceeded that in less than half that time. Woohoo!!! And I have approximately 200 cards still being processed or in kits being finished by friends and volunteers. A HUGE thank-you to everyone who attends one of my events. Every card brightens up a service member's day when they can pick that card out, write a personal note inside and send it to a loved one eagerly awaiting news here at home. For more information on how you can support our troops click on the From Our Hearts logo on my sidebar or here in this post.